Saturday, February 13, 2010

Raynauds Disease Pantyhose In Raynauds Disease, What Is An ESR Test? (erythrocyte Sedimentation). What Is A Normal Result - Mine Was 10?

In Raynauds disease, what is an ESR test? (erythrocyte sedimentation). What is a normal result - mine was 10? - raynauds disease pantyhose

Is this normal? As unusual and this would mean that if he over 10?


Dinty Moore said...

RD has no obvious primary cause, and here, the ANA and ESR are usually negative. R & D as disease can be secondary or the other is usually autoimmune or connective tissue-type. Here, the ESR is in porportion increased activity of inflammation and the underlying disease. Causes, such as lupus, scleroderma, polymyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, and only a few of them.
Elevated ESR may show a sign of active inflammation or tumor.

poodlepu... said...

The normal value is between 0 to 10 increasing age may still these results. according to he slightly more than 10 years outside the normal range.

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